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Lingerie内衣=1.2季合集共26集[AVI/平均每集330M] [複製鏈接]

0 U& M: H- E* ]5 P8 L& l
9 w8 z( [' j, N9 L" V美国/深夜成人剧]Lingerie内衣=第一+第二季共26集[AVI/平均每集330M]2 s9 u3 u7 t: Z0 a. L- X6 B
"Lingerie"/ |; _) F6 ?" z& v+ f
导演: Christopher Warre Smets / Trevor Cornish
$ `& I- i. q( @编剧: John Quinn / Sandy Travis / A.G. Lawrence / Pat Jacobs / .......
: e' `7 c' G4 H2 p. K9 u' r主演: Jennifer Korbin ... Lacey Summers / Matthew Fitzgerald ... Cody / Misty Mundae ... Stephanie / Lana Tailor ... Vanessa
" T/ ?" R6 U' r4 O类型: 剧情 / 爱情
# q* S- }! N, {* S1 Q& b( Z制片国家/地区: 美国
/ @4 E; F- m. }, H' J. H/ Y) l$ l语言: 英语# A8 [$ b' K' ~7 C) Q* W& l6 z" {
第一季首播日期: 2009-07-038 @9 |; k9 R4 S  I
集数: 131 r: v- s* X$ Z4 R5 z+ E
第二季首播日期: 2010-07-05
% p( G; M) a( H集数: 13
5 b4 _% s9 L- S' y3 A8 X. z4 ~单集片长: 30 分钟; X+ @, x$ E! L! K3 N/ \# m
IMDb链接: tt14592435 t9 e* ^4 H! a  h$ \% W
"Lingerie"的剧情简介   · · · · · ·
8 J5 {( N1 \9 K4 o. Q  "Lingerie" is a sexy new cable series featuring an ensemble cast of beautiful people who design, photograph and model lingerie in New York City's fashion industry. Most of the stories revolve around Lacey Summers, who left a successful modeling career to design lingerie. Lacey lives in a large loft that doubles as her design studio. Her younger brother, Cody, lives a few blocks away with his wing man Russ. What Cody lacks in ambition he makes up for in charm and good looks. He's constantly popping in and out of Lacey's place helping himself to her food and occasionally to her models. Lacey's lingerie is in several NY boutiques yet Lacey struggles to make ends meet as costs for fabrics, photographers and models run higher than her income. To help keep costs down, Lacey decides to rent out her spare room to Vanessa, a beautiful young, want-to-be actress from Seattle. Lacey's best friend, Marilyn, writes for a gossip fashion magazine and does her best to promote Lacey's work, occasionally introducing her to investors and editors who can get her work seen. Unfortunately, one of the investors is more interested in ripping off Lacey's designs than he is in helping her. To complicate an already hectic life, Lacey's on-again-off-again photographer boyfriend, Jason, can't seem to keep his hands of Lacey's models. Jason and Lacey have an open relationship but when Jason sleeps with her new roommate, Vanessa, she realizes she's had enough. She breaks up with Jason and turns her romantic attentions to Rick, a NY City fireman. But Rick finds it hard to relate to Lacey's work. Though he admits he loves to see women in lingerie, he thinks lingerie is only good for as long as it takes a man to remove it from a woman. Rick would rather she go with him on weekend adventures, where they could off-road, climb mountains or camp; however, Lacey's a true city girl and doesn't enjoy the "great outdoors". Their relationship soon drifts apart. Lacey decides to take time off from her relationships and devote her energies to creating a new "Metro" line of lingerie which she promotes during a New York City Spring Fashion Show   ' B6 s, T; Y) {) J
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3 J. R9 o5 f8 `! R
$ ]) `# H, F# n8 y8 `
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$ d% I  h- S, P6 Z. S2 C$ z第一季+ e0 V. ~+ L; P! y3 \0 k2 I
第一季 合集共26集.torrent (23 KB, 下載次數: 405)
累計簽到:2680 天
連續簽到:21 天
發表於 2012-9-20 15:36:43 | 顯示全部樓層
/ Y# M+ Z: P3 J. N3 ?感恩分享喔


發表於 2012-9-20 15:43:10 | 顯示全部樓層


發表於 2012-9-20 21:21:41 | 顯示全部樓層
情色影集 一定要支持一下!!!!

回復樓主 親!! 早上好! 心底有WK、心情就會飛翔,心中要個希望、笑容就會清爽!

 分享同時學會感恩,一句感謝的話語,就是最大的支持!  歡迎交流討論
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