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[英文] 节约粮食的英语句子 [複製鏈接]

  1、精打细算半年粮。/ f/ x! W1 }% `( P+ U9 {- {
  grain calculations in six months.
. g, L4 J& [% g  C- k  2、盘中粒粒皆辛苦!& }( L' X- c; n6 |, k8 l
  dish in each grain is hard!6 X$ y+ E! R6 R* B  D/ }3 O: O
  3、一粥一饭汗珠换。  V: C% [8 n  K  b& w+ z
  a porridge one meal sweat for.
' L2 k- ^/ j! {5 P! J1 i! o! A  4、不当家不知柴米贵。7 j8 J2 t8 B* {( G7 M: H  C
  don't take charge of daily expensive.
1 R+ I0 w" l/ _8 q5 S; S  5、粮食是血汗换来的!
: V# {) u  D' ~4 t  food is a hard-earned!2 i% J6 H9 d+ v; _
1 e3 Q8 p+ H7 [  on bread and water out.0 S8 }( p( s/ L6 v/ T, [$ s
! X5 n0 \% ]* c2 o" s  abnormally and grains kexin.
3 e" ]1 f1 Y0 z  8、好处安身,苦处用钱。" \# C  o7 k2 p
  good place, suffering with money.& N% D( t6 @* s- g5 x( s
  9、爱惜粮食,节约粮食。7 }. _# f1 f# M( ?# d  {; k5 f6 j
  treasure grain, saving food.0 v! `4 t( R( H% W
  10、爱惜粮食,从我做起!# F$ J* k) z& ]9 g% d
  treasure grain, starts from me!- q5 I, G) D5 s7 T- A7 u: Y
  11、惜衣有衣,惜食有食。1 ]3 \& d( }4 L
  precious little clothing clothing, precious little to eat food.: m, r- U9 [, }2 ]$ v. y5 I
) T- S8 T- N- @0 {6 V! r  a break, wrecked not sorrow.
7 }  _. R  k* B  13、节约粮食,造福人类。$ R$ H+ x, G, [
  save food, for the benefit of humanity.
) U; z# t' Z( b( W0 [2 T2 D  14、爱惜粮食,从娃娃抓起!
% a2 {1 Y6 {0 t+ B. W9 K  treasure grain, grab from baby!
; W& {$ i1 n# w# E1 a- y  15、爱惜粮食就是爱惜生命!
- u% `6 E+ o4 X1 a6 a; c' @  treasure grain is to cherish life!& r3 F2 c) W/ x/ |' s- i( ~3 W
  16、家有万石粮,挥堆不长。. l3 u5 \% j' b. h$ ~, t/ y$ w/ |
  home has mangoku grain, swing heap is not long.8 W& H8 t# l8 |; V  J
  17、浪费粮食是最大的犯罪!/ G) a( I9 A2 ]# w: |$ X+ H
  waste of food is the biggest crime!% ?9 Y& M) L) @/ n4 j; h2 T0 I2 B5 _
  18、日储一勺米,千日一石粮。' `3 m% n4 L7 K+ n
  a spoonful of rice storage, one thousand days a stone grain.
- H0 V8 m, Z; H/ q1 K  19、省下烟酒钱,急难免求人。. J& l# y& R( \8 R) f! J: d# p
  alcohol, tobacco, savings, unavoidably ask for.
7 I+ p0 j' ~" Q: s( ^7 p, v  20、黄金本无种,出自勤俭家。
- c+ B: s3 ]1 {# f  there is no kind of gold, from the industry and thrift.1 R) [5 s  G2 c9 N6 U0 p2 y
- v) ]. C; @1 ?7 p  food into the storehouse, mo forget and drought disasters.
! f  A- B1 t) [" {3 B0 \% S  22、惜衣有衣穿,惜饭有饭吃。
* `' F8 `7 o+ B! z. I  precious little garment clothing, precious little rice with rice to eat.- C/ Z7 Q: x" j0 Q
  23、生命诚可贵,粮食价更高!+ d' L: V" Q" {
  life honest valuable, the grain price is higher!
$ z9 L4 `1 X5 W4 h  24、省吃餐餐有,省穿日日新。
  |( O9 e% X5 f  [; X+ w9 y( L) R  province to eat it, wear it new., `, _- p3 d6 E; l3 D0 e7 [
' A5 v6 e. T8 A  a full province, hungry in a bucket.) N" Z" [9 e9 R* x1 n' O
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