- 註冊時間
- 2006-4-6
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- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:174 天 連續簽到:1 天
(1) We use "Simple Future Tense" for the verb when we talk about an action that happen in the future time (after today/this moment).! Z( b1 _. b/ k* V1 X2 x
當我們描述一個在將來的時間 (即今日/此刻以後) 發生的動作,我們會用「簡單未來式」。 9 s- P7 M8 W; x4 G. Z
2 c! y5 O x. q' L; ^( J9 Z
(2) When we use the future tense, we add the word "will" before the verb and the verb should in the base form.
: S/ v u+ q1 [. ?+ \; {. x當我們用未來式時,我們要在動詞前面加上 "will" 這個字,而且要用動詞的原形。:
( p# g' d& ~ X+ [) Xwill + verb (base form)
- `) O7 G* b" w9 B& pwill + 動詞 (原形) 0 [% L6 W8 W0 u3 T
3 ^/ m# Z8 Y+ `For example 例如:
* m+ r+ }# ^; D% _: \& n$ TI will go to the hairdresser tomorrow. 5 K2 ^. ?* c- Q' P2 T& Y
Mary will go to the hairdresser tomorrow./ [" f" q# {/ `! X
/ [2 Q+ P+ {1 T+ h% \. e3 z+ P(2) When the subject in the sentence is "I" or "We", we can also use "shall" instead of "will". 9 d6 j5 _; b: A' e: |: V
如果句子中的主語是 "I" 或 "We",我們也可以用 "shall" 這字代替 "will"。+ x* y, u/ c+ m: C0 f
/ n2 _ i$ X% q% a
For example 例如:
# D" M% H6 q5 p( E4 f `I shall go to the hairdresser tomorrow.
7 L6 I, m( {% H. {; B" a A- y- QWe shall go to the hairdresser tomorrow.
+ d: Q# G" y9 d1 i
2 B5 p' M& I0 v- m; y(3) When we see these words below, it mostly means the time is in the future. So we can use the "Simple Future Tense".
, U i& ?" y9 M! z" @8 ?如果我們在句子中看見下面這些字,大多表示動作是將會在未來的時間發生的, 我們便用「簡單未來式」。& [: F, \1 B' a3 _2 \1 f
, h( M X, u+ K% H7 I
Examples 例子:
9 S$ D" w( Z7 o5 t% ~tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, next Monday, next Friday, next Sunday, in the future, soon, later, etc.
/ V3 u% w+ N y2 R7 w; p
' X: Q3 p0 j( S0 e(4) How to form questions and negative sentences in "Simple Future Tense"?
2 e& ~$ [# y8 i5 T* ?如何以「簡單將來式」組成問句和否定句?; ~2 W4 y0 b0 z# }4 `+ K& w
/ ?3 F, X, [$ c2 e) c+ i K
Examples of questions 問句例子:
/ q% X) y+ K% a) E" SWill you go to the hairdresser tomorrow? 5 {) X- Q1 O- e
Will Kelvin go to the hairdresser tomorrow? 0 g8 V5 e) `. Y, B8 ?- H3 b
Shall I go to the hairdresser tomorrow? 4 P( ] U. A! P2 h% r j% ^
Examples of negative sentences 否定句例子:+ S. {1 p0 ^$ L
I will not go to the hairdresser tomorrow. 0 Q! M$ F, H1 \
We shall not go to the hairdresser tomorrow.
: D- z+ Q! V( u4 j, B' qThey will not go to the hairdresser tomorrow. & ~8 R2 l* {6 F4 \