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English Help Thread



發表於 2008-5-1 10:00:12 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
This thread is for english help, if that is ok.8 ^4 S9 d9 b, D$ o! ?! a( ~
8 q7 C& o# P  W0 w% U
Hello, I only speak/read english, it is difficult for me to interact in this BBS.
  l1 W! D+ I7 \  B0 J* J3 P& |% E! [7 @$ A
Can any of you read both Japanese+English?



發表於 2008-5-1 10:41:59 | 顯示全部樓層
i see" Y$ k" {: f/ T3 y* E  ^7 K8 V8 ~6 I
english is no problem4 H$ W: G% Q7 l9 n
my bbs is very easy to use
" ^; c) A3 t5 Z8 ?7 c8 U# Mthis is sexy area
/ ?7 S/ b" F3 M5 O7 h5 j6 W! [0 o5 B+ @3 f
http://waikeung.info/php_wind2/index.php?cateid=5" e" b1 \8 J8 H7 y# \

- J- x( }3 ~8 k, U* \! `8 othis area is problem & sponsor..etc
& S' X. _& B1 W  v$ p6 ^; p6 ]
2 v( C; V0 f8 S" @* O! Fhttp://waikeung.info/php_wind2/index.php?cateid=7


 樓主| 發表於 2008-5-1 11:34:09 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for your reply.3 B; j. x5 v! i; s* @# K3 P
, B8 l5 ?* E# Y( r+ S8 |4 W
How about BT questions?
* ^7 W/ R) W0 w& a: B6 o
0 I4 q$ s+ e  R" F; FLike:
/ i/ t) A' V4 b# _7 V8 EHow/Where do I ask for seeds for old torrents?9 K6 F' Z, Z% f" x+ x4 |- |% o% F
Every old torrent I tried downloading, is stuck at 99% :(


發表於 2008-5-1 11:41:18 | 顯示全部樓層
u welcome- b- e: [; D8 q8 w2 i

, I9 b- t) B: P9 C& Q% S- z$ v5 Csure
* ?# P, B4 H4 S7 Cu see the thread 's head
' @2 L; F- M% ^: G9 ois mark the day
* f7 {; C; p$ q; _: zbt 's seed i think only 1day-1 month ) u. N2 r) a, t/ ]6 ?
over 1 month 90% is deadline1 ^& }, n8 ~2 \9 ?1 B5 _

' I3 `" A' e7 R  uso u chose new torrent to down it


 樓主| 發表於 2008-5-1 13:15:20 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for replying again :D.* N. P8 y) k2 Z* A1 t1 T6 _
7 G/ @6 n$ q/ r1 ?% m8 X# v
I guess all those g-queen torrents at 99% will just idle in my client.5 _1 R6 Y! T! b, G' Q0 T
  G+ Y+ @4 a9 q4 K0 _1 E
I have passwords for g-queen's site, and I allready got half the videos., Q7 L$ c. w6 I5 W* ]' ~+ v
: Y0 T% c( {0 |- p6 |5 ~+ k
Just the site has a 1-2 gig daily limit for downloading.8 p$ I+ M( J; @0 I6 n2 `

$ J9 p9 b3 M8 V5 L7 d8 _  GIf I can get those torrents, I will have finished ripping g-queen's site.( Y& c, t5 x- N5 s$ c1 h  B
(I even ripped the VIP page)
  J$ a# h8 h* x% ]/ L. h' R
$ a, b# i6 u" r2 m! ]I ripped all of shaveasian.com videos too.
0 p" b2 s* T! y- M  w( _" W' r5 t, x( WI have made torrents of them at a private tracker.


 樓主| 發表於 2008-5-2 22:20:42 | 顯示全部樓層
[wmv]G-QUEEN WaterPlays 野崎まこと&藤本香奈&他 vol.02( h) X( q3 E) ?% v$ M
Link URL: http://www7.2kdown.com/link.php?ref=mWBZMrZ8Dn 99% :($ p6 p, j$ o% f5 R6 X; q2 i& J  o
4 [% \* W+ ?) \* ^3 Z- k! F
[wmv]G-QUEEN Twister 木村美理亜・宝井まるみ vol.01: l! Y1 x7 Y% ?3 L, S) E( \! V1 e
Link URL: http://www7.2kdown.com/link.php?ref=EEu5sFynrj 98% :(
0 a4 n6 D  J# U/ n" p9 ^2 T7 {  T6 r1 J! G- ]; K( |: s
Is it ok we share via rapidshare/megaupload/other?


發表於 2008-5-3 00:32:49 | 顯示全部樓層
ok i will remember it
1 N7 N9 N& w" B* U/ p! m* X! D" B" G6 D6 |! N  S
if i find this
* w" u- U( [0 Yi will post it


 樓主| 發表於 2008-5-3 08:22:34 | 顯示全部樓層
I plan on making a few torrents, is that ok?( q7 t  k" P: b' z' M" {: d9 U8 C

/ b3 m" D" e# hI need announce url list for a trackerless torrent.; f- r% B# A7 r( M
# i* H& `" Z+ \. C0 W- s% G( I& D
Or, what ever you do, let me know please.
/ o+ U+ y, S0 `8 |& H. C- i+ M- u$ ?- ^" i" b' P
: E+ ^- X  K2 J+ h$ p5 P

+ e" G' H+ D' V# B. {. K+ TCan we share via filehosts? (rapidshare/megaupload/other)
 分享同時學會感恩,一句感謝的話語,就是最大的支持!  歡迎交流討論
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