- 註冊時間
- 2007-1-20
- 精華
- 在線時間
- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
e/ _6 z) w4 J$ h# f2 Q( e
! w0 F& y! r1 Z( R- ^ When cobwebs relentlessly clog my stove2 g0 r" Q: l. z9 T# U
When its dying smoke sighs for poverty
9 _0 E$ P% U$ g I will stubbornly dig out the disappointing ash+ i: h9 ]4 x6 b& w0 H0 K. |" A
And write with beautiful snowflakes: Believe in the Future
- C3 `. H# o3 C8 A% e 当蜘蛛网无情地查封了我的炉台6 s5 o' k! G9 }2 N: {$ B. R
当灰烬的余烟叹息着贫困的悲哀: i& h9 ^+ p4 P4 ~8 J0 h/ F4 n
我依然固执地铺平失望的灰烬! H R! X, ^9 E9 D9 w
( C2 x6 @- r$ K* P( j1 O When my overripe grapes melt into late autumn dew
. l- e O/ `' O) M When my fresh flower lies in another's arms
0 O+ o$ n, T9 q; d I will stubbornly write on the bleak earth
3 V; O1 _1 E$ j( W; h With a dry frozen vine: Believe in the Future
' d2 a* n" V: `* J/ x' ] 当我的紫葡萄化为深秋的露水
- j# U+ i8 [5 ^; P9 ]$ p W+ ` 当我的鲜花依偎在别人的情怀* m3 z8 p! R8 ^ g- x4 Q
) K7 V7 B/ Y* C3 b0 E- { 在凄凉的大地上写下:相信未来
) W) X z% W7 d& x I point to the waves billowing in the distance( X/ p& ~! U- |- a/ x
I want to be the sea that holds the sun in its palm
$ B: A) L% O$ t' d' T8 k Take hold of the beautiful warm pen of the dawn
) [- V: S% F. V( m8 g6 x And write with a child-like hand: Believe in the Future
$ }3 w1 ]4 Z! |2 n 我要用手指那涌向天边的排浪
u; E. q- h+ O# A 我要用手掌那托住太阳的大海
) t" D v; @0 k$ D 摇曳着曙光那枝温暖漂亮的笔杆0 u' w+ A( p4 I* p( [
7 _$ z& j9 @( x The reason why I believe so resolutely in the future is:
* V6 ~3 ]& [8 g! V% V- S I believe in the eyes of the people of the future7 \$ N. V1 S, U1 C% a f
Their eyelashes that can brush away the ash of history
5 _, T2 d0 Q* C; ]2 w, C Their pupils that can see through the texts of time. R0 k9 D% x* e. ^" T
2 d/ a9 c. Z- s) {/ f5 S 是我相信未来人们的眼睛- c- I8 o9 o% J" ^: N
她有拨开历史风尘的睫毛) Q5 K8 A, x' x
% u d: {2 v3 v% k1 G( a! e: ~ It doesn't matter whether people shed contrite tears
* [! @ _1 l& m% p For our rotten flesh, or our hesitancy, or the bitterness of our failure0 g& N/ O8 i; w( z0 ]
Whether they view us with sneers or deep-felt sympathy
: @" X: m; j3 j$ Z Or scornful smiles or pungent satire
+ C' X0 K* s: k- A 不管人们对于我们腐烂的皮肉5 N) d, B9 C. W
+ |1 q4 Q, O9 H" K( H7 V 是寄予感动的热泪、深切的同情
% \0 | s9 s j% N$ m0 v 还是给以轻蔑的微笑、辛辣的嘲讽9 U) m8 z$ s9 _% t6 X4 o% f6 J
I firmly believe that people will judge our spines, C+ I# ^- @, t* i5 P
And our endless explorations, losses, failures and successes& Q: K2 {: _, f/ S# O
With an enthusiastic, objective and fair evaluation% G) X, j/ \$ j0 _
Yes, I await their judgement anxiously4 L; z" K; Y& l9 k
. H; I; [/ j% M/ w 那无数次的探索、迷途、失败和成功
7 p3 t- M2 q* W' V4 Y0 E 一定会给予热情、客观、公正的评定
5 B5 H! R9 A0 E 是的,我焦急地等待着他们的评定; J0 m. {( Q0 g# m! `
Friends, please let us believe in the future) y: B4 ?0 v7 u6 B
Believe in our unbending striving
, t, U. B( f- w% O Believe in our youth that can conquer death
. ]" X% {& N+ @! [) R Believe in the Future: believe in Life.
7 }3 T5 p& y4 ]6 F 朋友,坚定地相信未来吧" ]- p7 W* q/ g. T, R& N, r& \& T$ G
相信不屈不挠的努力: V3 v/ s1 N- c; |, h+ G+ G
: k2 D/ S; w$ Q; t. { 相信未来、热爱生命- q% W3 z( E. n+ B1 T$ g
! `8 |. O, x* N S# F